

For all releases after v0.0.11, each minor version of OP Deployer will support a single release of the governance-approved smart contracts. If you want to deploy an earlier version of the contracts (which may be dangerous!), you should use an earlier version of OP Deployer. This setup allows our smart contract developers to make breaking changes on develop, while still allowing new chains to be deployed and upgraded using production-ready smart contracts.

If you deploy from an HTTPS or file locator, the deployment behavior will match the contract's tag. For example, if version v0.2.0 supports v2.0.0 then the deployment will work as if you were deploying op-contracts/v2.0.0. Typically, errors like unknown selector: <some hex> imply that you're using the wrong version of OP Deployer for your contract artifacts. If this happens, we recommend trying different versions until you get one that works. Note that this workflow is not recommended for production chains.

Version Backports

From time to time, we may backport bugfixes from develop onto earlier versions of OP Deployer. The process for this is as follows:

  1. If one doesn't exist already, make a new branch for the version lineage you're patching (e.g. v0.2.x). This branch should be based on the latest release of that lineage. The branch should be named as follows: backports/op-deployer/<lineage, i.e. v0.2.0>.
  2. Open a PR with the backport against that branch. Be sure to reference the original commit in the backport.
  3. Make and push a new tag on that lineage.

Adding Support for New Contract Versions

Adding support for a new contract version is a multi-step process. Here's a high-level overview. For the sake of simplicity we will assume you are adding support for a new rc release.

Step 1: Add Support on develop

This section is designed for people developing OP Deployer itself.

First, you need to add support for the new contract version on the develop branch. This means ensuring that the deployment pipeline supports whatever changes are required for the new version. Typically, this means passing in new deployment variables, and responding to ABI changes in the Solidity scripts/OPCM.

Step 2: Add the Published Artifacts

Run the following from the root of the monorepo:

cd packages/contracts-bedrock
just clean
just build
bash scripts/ops/
# copy the outputted checksum
cd ../../op-deployer
just calculate-artifacts-hash <checksum>

This will calculate the checksum of your artifacts as well as the hash of the artifacts tarball. OP Deployer uses these values to download and verify tagged contract locators.

Now, update standard/standard.go with these values so that the new artifacts tarball can be downloaded:

// Add a new const for your release

const ContractsVXTag = "op-contracts/vX.Y.Z"

var taggedReleases = map[string]TaggedRelease{
    // Other releases...
    ContractsVXTag: {
		ArtifactsHash: common.HexToHash("<the artifacts hash>"), 
		ContentHash:   common.HexToHash("<the checksum>"),

// Update the L1/L2 versions accordingly
func IsSupportedL1Version(tag string) bool {
	return tag == ContractsVXTag

Step 3: Update the SR With the New Release

Add the new RC to the standard versions in the Superchain Registry.

Step 4: Update the validation Package

The SR is pulled into OP Deployer via the validation package. Update it by running the following command from the root of the monorepo:

go get -u<SR commit SHA>

That should be it!